Peter was born in 1954. The family home was in Liverpool. After school and a brief spell studying Law in Bristol, Peter followed a career in the finance industry. During this time Peter’s main interest outside work was sport, although he did have a love for the arts. He didn’t practice art until his fortieth birthday, when he bought a sketchbook and pencils. Since that day he was hooked and has never looked back.

When Peter returned to Liverpool for a short period, he joined the South Sefton Artisits, a group of professional and semi-professional artisits, and it was here that he received his training. The leading members of the group took it in turn to tutor Peter and give advice. This took place in  a life drawing environment every week for four years, which is why the human figure is Peter’s main subject.

At the age of fifty, Peter committed to his art and to increase the time available for it he took on a job as a part time postman in Cheltenham. After ten years, his success as an artist enabled him to finish at the Royal Mail and devote all of his time to his practice.

Peter lives in Winchcombe.

Peter is represented by the Greenstage Gallery, Bromyard where his work has been exhibited in many shows. The gallery has also taken Peter’s work to major art fairs in Battersea, Ascot, Cheltenham and Bristol.

Peter is also a Gallery artist at the Park Gallery, 3 Montpellier Ave, Cheltenham.

He has shown work at the Art Nou Millenni Gallery, Barcelona who also took his work to the Art Expo Beijing. Peter’s work has also been shown at a number of other galleries.

His work can be found in private collections in the UK, France, Italy, Greece and Switzerland.




I am motivated by the figure but not in a way of trying to simply imitate but to go beyond the appearance and capture what is sensed but not seen, an atmosphere a mood the energy that surrounds the figure. I try to represent these sensual characteristics by the abstract way l apply the paint and yet leave elements of the figure for the viewer to find.

Hopefully what I capture triggers emotions and perhaps unlocks previous experiences long forgotten.